Hermosa Beach Consulting Group
Business Process Controls Services

The Hermosa Beach Consulting Group has extensive experience in the security and controls arena.  Our deep knowledge of business processes, risk management, IT systems and applications, combined with our industry experiences, enable us to assist clients in augmenting their security and controls environment.

Maintaining a secure and controlled system environment involves the integration of both preventative and detective monitoring controls.  A periodic validation of a company’s policies and procedures reinforces a secure system environment.

Assistance with SOD Tool Selection

There are numerous options available to monitor controls and prevent Segregation of Duty (SOD) violations from occurring – everything from manual tracking within a spreadsheet to automated workflow request processes.  Our consultants have experience with a wide range of tools and are familiar with their benefits, pitfalls, and how they work.  We can assist in selecting a SOD tool that will be most appropriate for a client’s application monitoring needs.

SOD and Controls Solutions Implementation

The Hermosa Beach Consulting Group has expertise in the design, analysis, and remediation of SOD violations.  A strategic partnership with an SOD application industry leader makes possible the opportunity for us to provide clients with an end-to-end SOD solution.  Our comprehensive methodology covers SOD rule evaluation, SOD rule violation analysis, identification of compensating controls, and on-going monitoring of detective controls.  We work with clients to define SOD rules to meet their risk and control objectives.  We also help to identify and remediate role and user violations within the security design.  Our consultants are also experienced in building process and procedures for on-going compliance after the tool is implemented.

SOD Preventative Controls

After the initial analysis of SOD rule violations has been completed and violations corrected or mitigated, we encourage our clients to put preventative controls in place.  Preventative controls ensure that violations of SOD rules do not occur on the system.  Our goal is to assist our customers in implementing automated user and role request changes which then validate against the SOD rules.

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