A third-party monitoring software package, Approva’s
BizRights Authorizations Insight (AI), was chosen for implementation.
The first step was to review the standard SOD rules delivered
within the Approva tool. The rules were reviewed for: 1)
Applicability to the company’s business and 2) Priority
rating for ongoing monitoring activities (i.e. High, Medium,
Low, Informational).
Next, custom rules were developed for the company’s
custom business processes. These were created for various
custom transactions and authorization objects.
Rule review workshops were conducted for 10 business process
areas. The workshops provided information and assistance
to the business teams regarding understanding of SAP security
for their particular business process. The discussions provided
the input to modify the Approva rules to suit the company’s
operations. On completion of the workshops, the resulting
rule data was entered into AI.
Once the SOD rules were finalized, they were used to analyze
the SAP roles and users for violations. The violations were
then reviewed by the business teams for their severity.
If a violation was a result of the company’s standard
operating procedures, a compensating control and documentation
was created and entered into AI. Otherwise, the resulting
role or user assignment changes were given to the SAP Security